Let’s Talk!

A yellow background photo with a white thought bubble in the middle saying "WOW!" in yellow lettering. Top left corner says "Lets Talk" with "Blog No.3" written small underneath. Bottom Left corner has text stating "Job Descriptions" on one like "&" on the next line and "Salary Expectations" on the last line. The black & white AP Professionals logo appears in the bottom right corner. All based on a LinkedIn Poll.

Should Salary Ranges Be Included on A Job Description? Let’s talk about it!

With 330 votes total, our LinkedIn followers have spoken! With a whopping 91% of votes stating that, yes! Salary amounts should be clearly stated on the job description. Only 4% voted that this would not be ideal. While 5% thought that the salary amount should only be listed in certain cases. We believe that every company has their reasons as to why they may or may not want to include the salary range right off the bat. They may want to include it to let applicants know where they stand. But, they may not want to include it in order to protect themselves from being vulnerable to competitors.

Our poll received some great interaction on LinkedIn while creating organic discovery & conversations around salary listings. You, the candidates, are the most important to us and we strive to provide you with as many details regarding the positions we offer as possible! We want to ensure that the position, team & company are a great fit for you as well as the client we are working with. Check out our current job openings here & on LinkedIn. This poll was created to learn about what you as the candidate need and we sure got our answer!

Our Analysis

As we analyzed our survey, we realized that this did a great job of conveying the candidate’s perspective! But, this could be a different story if presented to a large group of business owners. Smaller companies may not want to post salary ranges because they feel they cannot compete with the big businesses of the world. Those smaller companies may have so many other benefits to offer in addition to a great salary!  While larger companies may not want to post salary ranges because they feel as though this would place them in a place of vulnerability. This especially causes concern when they are competing with each other for the same candidates.

Regardless of the reasons, the applicants seem to want to know what they are working with! What are your thoughts?  

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